
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Entitled: Life isn't easy when you're a book by Cookie Boyle

Entitled is the story of a Book seeking to find a home as it is passed from one Reader to another. Along the way, it reveals its own story, The Serendipity of Snow.

As it is read, misplaced, loaned and abandoned, our Book, like the Readers of its pages, discovers love and heartbreak, loneliness and friendship, and ultimately becomes the author of its own journey.

In the end, Entitled examines the pull between the story we are born with and the one we wish to create for ourselves.

Paperback, 306 pages
Published November 24th 2020
by Bespoken Word Press
4/5 stars

Canadian author Cookie Boyle has penned a fun story about a book.  The fun part is it's from the pov of said book, The Serendipity of Snow. A unique prospective as this book does some travelling, meets a variety of personalities - though not all of the literary kind.

Entitled is a great summer read, especially for bookish folks who like books with a bookish theme. It's for those that can easily imagine this setting and feel for Serendipity. While it might sound light Entitled is a book about feeling alone, making friends and creating your own path.

My thanks to the author for reaching out and gifting me with a copy of Entitled (which in no way affected this review).

"Books come into out lives for a reason.  They might not know it themselves. 
 You might not know it.  But there's a reason.  There has to be," says a collection of stories by Joyce Carol Oates.

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